New Year Doings

Easy black turtleneck with an early 80s era sparkle stripe sweater. Good partners for the sheen of black leather pants and the remains of the previous night’s home NYE party curls. All of which engender a mildly pinup posture.


A resplendent starburst ring of amber-colored rhinestones. Extra exciting to find such a vintage treasure in the 75%off clearance area of my favorite thrift store,named Thriftique! All pieces of sparkle accounted for
Super comfortable and luxurious moccasins handmade by Huron tribe in Canada, trimmed in black rabbit fur. Procured from Southwest Indian Foundation in a rare full price transaction made for the good cause.
Yes I will pose right here.
Want me to pose with this pumpkin?
This pumpkin is practically posing me.

Camaraderie with fauna. Grown over the Summer in our side yard, after showing up from a volunteer seed and subsequent vine.

This is an internet record gone long unattended. Nevertheless , every subsequent day passed remained replete with insights and outfit alike unremarked. Remarkable bouts of mental plenty and absence. Clothed for the doing of whatever and nothing.

An effort done or undone makes little matter. Until we know why we do. No reason seems unreasonable, taken so far. There may be no sense, other than that apparently made.

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